Two: Bodies


Issue Two

Editorial and Cover Art –  Gemma Gibson

The Waiting Room – Victoria Bailey

Fashion Activism in Ireland – Taryn De Vere

Mermaids of the South Seas: paradisal landscapes and the Western Imagination – Anaïs Duong-Pedica

Breastfeeding Beyond Infancy: An Autoethnographic Dialogue Between Two Women – Adele Jarrett-Kerr and Bethan Michael-Fox

Fat Shaming vs Fat Empowerment: The Construction of Fat Bodies in Neoliberal Discourse Hannah Knox

CorpoREaction: The Extended Body – Anna Maria Staiano

Two poems ‘On a Pedestal Up in a Cage’ and ‘Sunlight’ – Rosalind Weaver

Transmasculinities and Pregnant Monstrosity: Hannibal Omegaverse Fan-Fiction – J.T. Weisser





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